Fig Cuttings
In order to offer maximum flexibility, prices are for a single cutting.
Cuttings are taken in mid to late fall prior to the first hard freeze. We provide healthy cuttings 6″ to 10″ long and from the size of a pencil to about 1″ in diameter. Each cutting has a minimum of 3 nodes.
While no grower and no cutting source is 100% successful, healthy cuttings are the best path to healthy trees.
Cuttings are cleaned and wrapped in cling wrap and labeled with printed labels. Cuttings are always shipped dry to avoid mold and are ready to root when you receive them or save them in the fridge till you are ready to root them. Wrapping cuttings in cling wrap allows them to hold their own moisture and arrive healthy. For more methods, tips, and tradeoffs of different rooting techniques see our rooting page in the Fig Knowledge section.
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